Chian Ann Lu盧建安 Originally from Taipei, Taiwan Assistant Professor at Coastal Carolina University
Education M.F.A. Design and Technology / The University of Texas At Austin B.A. Department of Drama and Theatre / National Taiwan University
Award Nominated Emerging Exhibition / The XY Files / World Stage Design / 2022 Meritorious Achievement / This Random World / KCACTF / 2019
Work Experience
2023 THANK YOU FOR WATCHING / 金星文創 / LIGHTING DESIGNER / TAIPEI, TAIWAN The gree bird / CCU DEPARTMENT OF THEATRE / LIGHTING DESIGNER / SC, USA PHENOMENAL women / North carolina black rep. / Lighting, projection designer / nc, usa
2022 Radium girls / CCU Department of Theatre / Lighting, Projection Designer / SC, USA Documenting Live Performance through Photography / USITT / Panelist / Baltimore, USA Les Misérable / Charleston County School of Art / Lighting Designer / Gaillard theater, SC, USA
2021 Everybody / CCU Department of Theatre / Lighting, Projection Designer / SC, USA Gross Indecency / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer / ID, USA
2020 Adventure Island / O Theatre / Lighting Designer / Taiwan tour You can't take it with you / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer / ID, USA (Canceled due to Covid)
2019 This Random World / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting / Projection Designer / ID, USA On the way to sawmill / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer/ ID, USA Drowning Ophelia / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer / ID, USA 73 Change / Story Factory / Lighting Designer / Taipei, Taiwan Shakespeare play Mahjong / NTU Drama & Theatre / Lighting Designer / Taipei, Taiwan On the way to the Sawmill / UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer / ID, USA Present Laughter/ UI Theatre & Arts / Lighting Designer / ID, USA
2018 The XY Files / M.O.V.E Theatre / Lighting Designer / Taichung, Taiwan A Midwinter Night's Dream / UI Theatre & Arts /Lighting Designer / ID, USA UI Dance program / UI Dance program / Lighting Designer / ID, USA Seeking For The Lost Rhythm / O Theatre / Lighting Designer / Beijing ,China Lysistrata Jones musical/Shenandoah Conservatory / Lighting Designer / VA, USA
2017 Shenandoah Conservatory / Instructor / VA / USA
Noises off / Shenandoah Conservatory / Lighting Designer / VA, USA Cabaret / Shenandoah Conservatory / Lighting Shop Supervisor / VA, USA A Midnight’s summer dream / Davis Shakespeare Ensemble / Lighting Designer / CA, USA Wonderful Town / Davis Shakespeare Ensemble / Lighting Designer / CA, USA Three Musketeers / Davis Shakespeare Ensemble / Associate Lighting Designer / CA, USA Jazz / Baltimore Center Stage / Assistant Lighting Designer/ Baltimore/ MA, USA
2016 Little Women The Musical / B.Iden Payne Theatre / Lighting Designer / Texas, USA In The Red And Brown Water / Oscar G. Brockett Theatre / Lighting Designer / Texas, USA At The Statue of Venus&Three Decembers / McCullough Theatre / Lighting Designer/ Texas, USA
2015 Ears,Eyes And Feet / B. Iden Payne Theatre / Lighting Designer/ Texas, USA Fall For Dance / B. Iden Payne Theatre / Lighting Designer/ Texas, USA
2014 *故事工廠<白日夢騎士>燈光技術指導 Story works / <Don Quixote> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *天作之合<MRT>燈光設計 Perfect Match / <MRT> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *飛人集社<測量>燈光設計 Flying Group Theatre / <Measure> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *同黨劇團<阿卡曼儂>燈光設計 The Party Theatre Group / <Agamemnon> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan
2013 *國家音樂廳 <落葉,傾城> 燈光技術指導 Taiwan international of art festival N.T.C.H. / <Fall For Eileen Chang> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *高雄春天藝術節 法國 <青鳥> 燈光技術指導 Kaohsiung art festival / Le Collectif Quatre Ailes / <L’Oiseau Bleu> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *高雄春天藝術節 紐西蘭紅耀劇團 <抵岸> 燈光技術指導 Kaohsiung art festival / N.Z Red leap theatre / <The Arrival> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *動見体 <台北詩人> 燈光設計 M.O.V.E theatre / <Uncle Poet> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *金枝演社 <浮浪貢開花一> 燈光技術指導 Golden bough theatre / <Happiness Part1> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *台灣體育學院舞蹈系研究所 <天下無雙> 燈光設計 NTSU of Art The dept. of dance / <Unparalleled In The World> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *新人新視野 陳韻如 <呼∞吸> 燈光技術指導 Young starts new vision Yun-ju Chen / <In∞Out> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *上海兒藝節 O劇團 <巨人的春天> 燈光技術指導 O Theater / <Giant And Spring> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *曙光種籽舞團 <巷弄中遇見的一百張臉-旅>燈光設計 Twilight Dance / <Travel> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *如果兒童劇團 <捕夢的小孩> 燈光技術指導 IFkids Theatre / <Dream Capture> / Master Electrician/ Taiwan *動見体 <1:0> 衛武營 技術統籌 M.O.V.E Theater / <1:0> / Technical Coordinator/ Taiwan *同黨劇團<馬克白>燈光設計 The Party Theatre Group / <Macbeth> / Lighting Designer / Taiwan *台北首督芭蕾舞團 <玩芭蕾四> 燈光設計 Taipei Capital Ballet / <Ballet Pageant IV> / Lighting Designer/ Taiwan
2012 *連雅文打擊教室 <終擊幻響101> 燈光設計 Lien Percussion 2012 Percussion Theater/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *迪迪舞蹈劇場 <拼圖> 燈光設計 Di Di Dance Theater/<Jigsaw Puzzle>/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *曙光種籽舞團 <Dream High-70們的復古音樂趴> 燈光設計 Twilight Dance/<Dream High-70>/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *明華園 <劍神呂洞賓> 燈光技術指導 電腦燈programmer Ming-hwa-yuan Arts & Cultural Group/<Master of Sword-Lu Dong-Bin>/Moving light Programmer/ Taiwan *台灣戲劇表演家 <淘氣小親親> 燈光技術指導 Taiwan Drama Performance/<Naughty Kiss>/Master Electrician/ Taiwan *國立實驗合唱團 <魔笛> 燈光技術指導 Master Electrician Taiwan National Choir<Die Bauzerflote>/Master Electrician/ Taiwan *台北市立交響樂團 <丑角與鄉村騎士> 燈光技術指導 Taipei Symphony Orchestra/<Pagliacci & Cavalleria Rusticana>/Master Electrician/ Taiwan *台北首督芭雷舞團 <莎替之夜> 燈光設計 Taipei Capital Ballet/<Night of Eric Satie>Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *國家圖書館趨勢基金會 <東坡在路上> 燈光設計 Trend Education Fundation/<Ton-Po On The Way>/ Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *金枝演社 <黃金海賊王> 燈光技術指導 電腦燈programmer Golden Bourgh/<Pirates And Formosa>/Masterelectrician,Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan *台灣藝術大學舞蹈系年度公演 <灰姑娘> 燈光技術指導 Da-Guan Dance Theatre/<Cinderella>/ Master Electrician/ Taiwan *O劇團 冬季巧虎 <勇闖冒險島> 燈光設計 O Theatre/<Adventure Island>/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan
2011 *台南應用科大 <默叛> 燈光設計 Tainan Univerity of Technology Dept. of Dance/<Silent Judgment>Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *新劇團 <巴山秀才> 電腦燈programmer Taipei Li-yuan Chinese Opera Theatre/<Scholar of Bashan>/Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan *全民大劇團 <瘋狂電視台> 燈光技術指導 Allupeople Theater/<Crazy TV Station>/Master Electrician/ Taiwan *動見体 <屋簷下> 燈光設計 M.O.V.E Theater/<Behind The House>Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *金枝演社 <黃金海賊王> 電腦燈programmer Golden Bourgh/<Pirates And Formosa>/Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan *O劇團 巧虎冬季巡演 <漂浮城堡> 燈光技術指導電腦燈programmer O Theatre/<Floating Castle>Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan *明華園 <劍神> 電腦燈programmer Ming Hwe Yuan Arts&Cultral Group/<Master of Sword-Lu Dong-Bin>Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan
2010 *21th台大盃全國熱舞大賽 燈光設計暨技術指導 21th NTU Cup Dance Compitition/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *17th建國中學熱舞社成果展 燈光設計暨技術指導 Taipei Municipal Jianguo High School 17th Dance Clubs Exhibition/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *99級師範大學體育表演會 電腦燈設計 and programmer N.T.N.U. Dept. of physical education/<99th Graduation Exhibition>Movinglight Programmer/ Taiwan *飛人集社 <魚> 燈光設計 Flying Group Theatre/<The Dying Fish>Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *藝向空間 <對不起>燈光設計 Intoart Theater/<Sorry>/Lighting Designer/ Taiwan *音樂劇<變身怪醫> lighting crew The Musical/<Jakell and Hyde>/Lighting Crew/ Taiwan *貓劇/Follow Spot Opearater <Cats>/Follow Spot Opearater/ Taiwan *台北花卉博覽會 屏風 <百合戀> 電腦燈programmer Taipei International Flora Exposition/<The First Lily>/Moving Light Programmer *英國合拍劇團 <春琴> Lighting Crew U.K Complicite<Complicite Shun-Kin> Lighting Crew/ Taiwan
2009 *<極限震撼> Show Crew <Fuerzabruta >Show Crew *德國 <哈姆雷特> Lighting Crew Schaubühne am lehniner platz, Germany/<Hamlat>/Lighting Crew *鈴木忠志 <大鼻子情聖> lighting Crew Tadashi Suzuki/<Cyrano De Bergerac>/Lighting Crew
2008 *Serve in the army
2007 *牯嶺街 <默默>燈光設計暨技術指導 Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre/<Murmur>/Lighting Designer *接招合唱團 Follow Spot Operator Take that Taiwan tour /Follow Spot Operator
2006 *台大戲劇系第四屆畢業公演 <犀牛> 電腦燈設計 NTU Drama Graduation Performance/<Rhino>/Moving Light Designer *牛古兒童劇團 <媽媽好討厭> 舞台監督 Newcool Theater/<Mom!I hate you>/Stage Manager